🚀 Join the Nockchain Community Discord – Connect, Learn, and Grow Together!

:wave: Let’s Talk About Nockchain Together! :rocket:

Hey everyone,

I recently started an unofficial Discord server for Nockchain enthusiasts, and I wanted to share it with anyone who’s interested in discussing ideas, sharing knowledge, or just connecting with others who are into Nockchain.

Here’s what we’re about:

  • :speech_balloon: Discussions: Chat about your ideas, opinions, and experiences with Nockchain.
  • :wrench: Support & Tips: Share or get advice on SSH mining setups and configurations.
  • :loudspeaker: Updates & News: Stay up to date with the latest happenings in Nockchain.
  • :handshake: Community Connections: Meet like-minded people and collaborate on ideas.

This isn’t some fancy official server—it’s just a friendly space I created after reaching out to Logan (the CEO of Nockchain) to make sure he was okay with it. He gave his blessing, so here we are!

Why Join?

  • It’s a casual and welcoming space—no pressure to be super active.
  • We’re all about learning, sharing, and growing together as a community.
  • Whether you’re a miner, developer, or just curious about Nockchain, there’s a spot for you here.

If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, feel free to join us:

Come check it out if you’re curious. Let’s share ideas, help each other out, and see where this community can go. Hope to see you there!

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42 members and growing, come join us a say hello! :raised_hands: